Manage Your Shop & Profitability

Who is your most productive employee?

Who is the least productive employee?

Who is the most profitable sales rep?

How much did that job actually cost?

How long did that job actually take?

Is this customer profitable or just adding revenue?

When will a customers job be finished?

How do you know?

Typically companies try to track costs and productivity with spreadsheets.  That system does work although it may not be completely accurate and  the same information may be entered many times.   Often we estimate how long it took to run a job.  Interruptions, equipment breakdowns, material shortages can distort our information.  Various operators can achieve quite different results.   To price jobs profitably you need to know your true total cost of production not “fuzzy” facts.

Proper management software will give you the accurate  answers you need to manage your business.


Midnight by Virtual Systems can help you determine true costs, benchmarks, and makes pricing automatic.   Estimates can be created quickly and turned into production orders with one click.  It is completely customizable. Pricing can be adjusted automatically for high volume customers.  Since this is a web based program you can access it from anywhere.  You can give a customer a quote right in their office, get the OK and create a work order instantly.  Equipment and other resources can be scheduled and accessed from any computer, tablet or smartphone.    Midnight is a scalable application.   As an organization grows and adds employees it becomes more important to have critical information on customers and jobs in one place.

Take two minutes to view a video on  Midnight.

3  Ways to increase your profits…

  1. Increase prices  (are you worth more?)
  2. Increase sales (revenue) while maintaining the same profit margin
  3. Reduce expenses without reducing quality or support.

Want to know more?  Call or email today!
